legendary heroes

美 [ˈledʒənderi ˈhɪroʊz]英 [ˈledʒəndri ˈhɪərəʊz]
  • 网络传奇英雄;英雄传说;勇者传说
legendary heroeslegendary heroes
  1. The theme of our costume party is legendary heroes .


  2. At this time the military television show that not only reflect the war , but emerged in the performance of a variety of military life from different angles and the legendary heroes of the military works .


  3. Through analyzing the emotional life of Huang Rong and Guo Fu , the two heroines in the novel The Legendary Heroes , this article is an intended exposure of the female fates under masculine influence .


  4. The Cultural Mechanism for Chinese Legendary Comedy Heroes


  5. Talented figures , including legendary cultural heroes and outstanding figures in reality , are remarkable representatives of a nation .


  6. On the Integration and Conflict between the " Legend " with " Revolution ": Talking about the " Legendary Novels of Revolutionary Heroes " through " Snowfield of Sea of Woods "
